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Stop Binge Eating

Transform your life by healing your relationship with food and settling at your perfect weight

Be Happier & Healthier in 4 Weeks
45% discount offer only to 50 first people
Stop Binge Eating

Transform your life by healing your relationship with food and settling at your perfect weight

Be Happier & Healthier in 4 Weeks
then healED course is definitely for you
Learn how to stop binge eating when it’s about to happen
Create a plan to lose weight that fits with your life
Learn how to deal with your emotions that lead to binge eating
Build new eating patterns to stop compulsive eating and binge eating
Feel the connection with your body again
Shed unwanted pounds and keep them off
CLEAR techniques to help yourself immediately and overcome ED
16 video lessons on how to deal with eating disorder and stop it
5 most mind-changing meditations personally from me
30-day meal plan which you can combine. You will be able to create your personal meal plan with delicious food
Useful PDF-files
Video 1 -  Intro video
Video 2 - Understanding binge eating cycle
Video 3 - Negative self talk and self deprecation
Video 4 - 10 biggest triggers and how to deal w them
Video 5 - Sos practice video how to stop urge to binge
Video 6 - Self help after binge eating
Video 7 - How to change your mindset from skinny to healthy
Video 8 - How to eat out and not binge
Video 9 - How to stop restricting food
Video 10 - Toxic thoughts and beliefs of a binge eaters
Video 11 - How to deal with food guilt
Video 12 - Binge eating, hormonal health, pros and how I got my periods back
Video 13 - How to heal through self love
Video 14 - How to make a meal plan that will not make you binge
Video 15 - 5 tools that work to prevent the binge and help deal with emotions
Video 16 - Learn how to relax and heal your body and mind to deal with binge eating disorder
You will get instant access
to the course
51 page of tasty and healthy recipes to lose and maintain weight
Full meal plan for 28 days
Groceries list for 4 weeks
What’s inside?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Binge eating is an eating disorder when you consume huge amounts of foods in a very unconscious state of mind and it feels uncontrollable

You feel like you literally like you zone out like in this black hole where you consume so much food in a short period of time
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